As a main themes I see there two things, SLAVERY of black people and their HISTORY. For me it seems a bit like a historical play, not really but there are some things that point out that feeling. There is a huge paragraph that lasts for more that two pages that just talks about the ancestors of the main characters in this story. What concerns both of these topics, they are connected with this old piano and I have chosen one part said by Berenice that talks about this piano and for me it somehow shows both of these themes. "Look at this piano. Look at it. Mama Ola polished this piano with her tears for seventeen years. For seventeen years she rubbed on it till her hands bled. Then she rubbed the blod in.......mixed it up with the rest of the blood on it. Every day that God breathed life into her body she robbed and cleaned and polished and prayed over it." I do not know, but in me this leaves quite a strong feelings about their history, how they believed in a better times and how hard they had to work.
Also, it shows the change, maybe it is not on purpose but I see it there, there is a huge change between people who are the main characters and their ancestors. In the past, they had such a hard life in slavery and now? They are just arguing about the piano but they are free and can do what ever they want to do and do not have to work for anybody just for themselves.
Could you imagine yourself in a position similar to theirs?
OdpovědětVymazatI do not know, it is hard to imagine fight with my brother for something like that old family heritage, but my fantasy is sooo good, that I can make thins situation in my mind with me as a main character and I would definitely be in a position of Berenice, I understand why it means a lot for her, it is not just connection with her ancestors but also with her dead husband and this is a thing. So yes I can imagine me in a position of Berenice and I absolutely sympatize with her.