Play I have choosen is called The Piano Lesson and it was written by American author August Wilson who got Pulizer price for this play. The play was firstly shown to the eyes of audience in 1987 in the Yale Repertory Theatre and afterwards it was introduce in Broadway.
Setting: It is set in Pittsburgh in 1936 and it is a story of Afro-Americans living in America. The setting of this play is during Great Depression in USA. There is more like story of the ancestors of the main characters who were slaves. So I do not really find it interesting that it is set in this period because what I have read yet is a story of an Afro-American family and there is more like a past than the period they live in. Maybe as read more, I will find some connection to the American culture in 1936 in this drama. I must admit (maybe I am not good reader) that I did not know that characters are black people until I saw picture on google.
But I am looking forward to another pages, until now in was not that interesting but I hope that it will graduate, because story of watermellons, pianos and ghosts can't be bad!!

Hello Lenka -- this is a nice start! I am looking forward to seeing more.